Pet Nanny, Dog Training & Behaviour Centre in Medway

Specialist in Kangals & Anatolian Shepherds



Accredited behaviourist

Children & Dogs

HAIRY POPPINS Pet Nanny Service actively promotes responsible pet ownership.

Dogs & children can be great friends if you, the adult, teach children how to safely interact with dogs.

This also includes any visiting children to your home or any children you should meet in the street or at the park when your dog is with you

PRE PLANNING VISIT Before you bring your dog / puppy home you can book a Pre Planning visit with HAIRY POPPINS to help you prepare in advance for your new arrival. We can get a basic Training Plan in place, discuss recommended equipment, talk about diet & exercise plus help prepare your children to safely interact with their new furry friend

Allowing children to sit on, climb on, tease, pull the ears / tails or even kiss & hug your dog is not acceptable. We assume dogs must like to be hugged around the neck - But do they really?? If you could read your dogs mind the answer would probably be NO. Why take the risk?

Your dog is YOUR responsibility and YOU must do whatever you can to help him feel safe.

There are lots of other ways that children can show a dog how much they love him without hugging / kissing and risking the dog becoming anxious and biting "out of the blue" or "for no reason"