Pet Nanny, Dog Training & Behaviour Centre in Medway

Specialist in Kangals & Anatolian Shepherds



Accredited behaviourist


Group Dog Training Classes in Gillingham

  • Puppy Class

  • Puppy Improvers Class

  • Reactive Dog Class

  • Fun Trick Class

  • Adult Dog Training

  • Rescue Dog Class

  • Scent Work Class

One-2-One Training Courses at your own home:

  • Pre Puppy visit & planning

  • Puppy Course

  • Reactive Dog Course

  • Rescue / Older Dog Course

  • One-2-One Support Bundles

  • Behaviour Solutions

  • Scent Work


Training Course at your own home.

Especially designed for the problems you may face with your adopted pooch or your older dog. Fearful, nervous, greeting other dogs, resource guarding, getting along with your current dog

HAIRY PUPS! Puppy Course for puppies up to 12 months old.

Set your puppy up for success with HAIRY POPPINS!

Focussing on building a bond between owner & dog, the puppy course covers a range of topics including sit, stay, toilet training, come back when called, puppy nipping, wait, loose lead walking, jumping up, leave, chewing, greeting other dogs, good manners plus much more.


Puppy Improver Course for puppies aged 6 months - 1 year old, focussing on more advanced training and a great follow up Course from the Puppy Course.

  • Separation anxiety

  • Resource guarding

  • Pulling on the lead

  • Fearful

  • Excessive barking

  • Nervous

  • Toilet training

  • Aggression

  • Over excited

  • Jumping up

  • Stranger suspicion

  • Recall

You do not need to be a pack leader. You just need to train your dog well & show him what you want him to do.

Vet referrals welcome

REACTIVE DOG Support Course

Does your dog bark & lunge at other dogs? Do you dread taking him out for a walk? Is he nervous / fearful of dogs / humans / cars / bikes? The Reactive Dog Support Course will show you how to help your dog and teach you how to start enjoying your walks again

Reactive Dog Programme through one-2-one sessions & specialist Group Class

Behaviour Assessments & Behaviour Adjustment Plans

For more complex, specific, behaviour problems:

  • Separation Anxiety

  • Resource Guarding

  • Aggression

  • Repetitive Behaviours


Online Training & Behaviour direct to your home

  • Puppy Training

  • Adult Dogs

  • Recall Training

  • Loose Lead Training

  • Behaviour Consultations

Can be booked in 1 hour slots or full 6 week Course

HAIRY POPPINS is a modern, reward based trainer using scientifically proven training methods

Behaviour Adjustment Plan

HAIRY POPPINS can visit you & your dog(s) in your own home to have a chat, and carry out an assessment. We will discuss any changes that need to be made and go through any training that may help you & your pooch. The meeting usually lasts around 2 - 3 hours. A full Behaviour Adjustment Plan will be emailed to you within 5 days.

A second, follow up visit is automatically included in the price. Support Bundles can be purchased to offer extra guidance