Pet Nanny, Dog Training & Behaviour Centre in Medway
Specialist in Kangals & Anatolian Shepherds
Accredited behaviourist
HAIRY POPPINS Doggy Day Care & Puppy Play School
You can ONLY use this booking facility if you are booking at least 2 days in advance.
If you are booking within 2 days or if you are booking on a Friday / over the weekend for the following Monday then you will need to contact us first, to make sure we can accomodate your booking.
We need to make sure we have enough Staff to meet our staff:dog ratios and, if you require our Collection Service, we need to be sure we have enough room in our van.
The system will automatically show as SOLD OUT when we only have a couple of spaces left for each day.
This does not mean we cannot fit your dog in. It just means that we are keeping a close eye on our numbers as we get close to being full.
PLEASE CONTACT US IF YOUR CHOSEN DATE IS SHOWING AS SOLD OUT as we often have cancellations and can usually fit your dog in
email: Telephone: 07561 024 687
We understand how frustrating it is if you suddenly & unexpectedly need to cancel / swap days.
We know you can't help it if your dog is poorly or if your plans suddenly change however, in order to meet our Licensing requirements, we *have* to meet staff / dog ratios.
We allocate Staff / lunch cover / space in the HAIRY Busses based on our numbers each week. When you cancel at short notice, we still need to pay that member of staff to work. We also do not have the Admin. time to manually "re-add" your cancelled sessions to this system.
Therefore, if you cancel within 5 days there is no refund and no option to transfer your booking.
If you know in advance that you will not be needing us (Holidays etc. then you do not need to pay for your space to keep it open If you give us more than 5 days Notice then your booking can be transferred to another date instead.
Thank you for understanding